07 July 2014

2014/06/20 义卖感谢宴


谢谢Khuntai Restaurant Sdn Bhd 赞助宴会上的餐饮,也谢谢Wee Hing Pay 顾问所赞助的啤酒!

2014/06/08 “感恩有您”慈善义卖会

在上个月的68日,大马大爱脑伤症儿童基金协会,成功在Kuchai Lama Sri Desa Enterpreneurs Park,举办了一年一度的“感恩有您”义卖会。协会的筹委会员们齐心合力,在义卖会中售卖食物、日常用品及饮料等,并且举办了唱卡拉OK以及玩游戏等摊位。

The annual charity event was held by Persatuan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Istimewa Insan (PKKII) on the last 8th of June, 2014. The venue was set at Sri Desa Enterpreneurs Park, Kuchai Lama. The activities held during the charity event including food stalls, selling daily supplies, game stalls and even Karaoke!  

大爱之家筹委们衷心感谢所有爱心人士的支持,以及主要赞助商Pan Malaysian Pools Sdn Bhd的热心资助。义卖会成功筹募了马币91025.10令吉的金额,虽然未能达标原先100千令吉的目标,但台前幕后人士的无私奉献使义卖会总算成功顺利举行。

The committee members would like to express their gratitude to all those who kind-hearted enough to support this event, and special thanks to Pan Malaysian Pools Sdn Bhd for the sponsorship. The charity event successfully raise RM91025.10 in one day, all thanks to the hardwork and commitment of every person incharges.




